Executive Change holds a unique position in our marketplace.
We are trusted by both the vendor community we serve and the current CxO community who actively participate in client projects on our behalf. This position means we are able to manage considerable investment in time, resource and budget out of our customer's CxO Engagement planning and execution. By working in this way, our customers are able to deliver alignment to the needs and expectations of the CxO faster and to greater effect.
This position of trust within the CxO community means our clients get "Outside In" thinking from the highest level within their target markets which in turn allows them to position themselves more effectively at C level with the right proposition to address the customer's agenda at the right time.
We bring our clients:
Access to an extensive global network of corporate CIO / CxOs. Many years of combined experience have been condensed into a series of replicable, modular, pragmatic process and models delivering the following services:
- The set up and management of CIO/CxO Advisory Boards, Research Forums and Round Table think-tanks.
- The development, validation and testing of CxO aligned value propositions and Go to Market Plans
- Workshops and coaching that improve individuals Executive Engagement capabilities.
- Executive level qualitative research.